Monday, November 10, 2008

Here is a funny parody website about Sarah Palin. A must see!


oak said...

lol Sam + Sarah Palin parodies = XD
Sarah Palin's a joke and if she really was elected vice president, there really would be riots in the streets and furious people.
After what Bush did to the US, McCain and Palin would finish his work, driving the US into bad reputations and disasters.


Wow, you guys found an awsomely funny website on sarah palin. You guys also have alot to talk about and I seem to be the only one who voted on those two different subjects. I'm a Loner.

Johnny Boy said...
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Johnny Boy said...

McCainisfly disapproves of your stoic anti-Palin ideals. We believe that given time, Sarah would have effectively Palinized the entire nation! Fools. You do not yet know the true power of the maverick-side!

Comment from the all-powerful Jesbus


Haha this is really funny!! My favorite part is, oh here are the nuclear codes! (scary)-imagine if she got elected =[

SamAnTex said...

that's halarious
i agree if she was vice president it would have been chaos expecially with the chance of her becoming out actual president with Mccain being so old
In the debate she had no idea what she was talking about with the Johnny Six Pack and all the Hockey Moms imagine her running our country


2008 Presidential Candidates- change the world by VOTING

Barack Obama

Barack Obama

John McCain

John McCain

Ralph Nader

Ralph Nader

Cynthia Mckinney

Cynthia Mckinney

Chuck Baldwin

Chuck Baldwin

Bob Barr

Bob Barr