Thursday, November 13, 2008

What do you think of the advances in technology and how it is affecting campaigns? Is it good or bad? Leave a response and tell us what you think!
Bob Barr
Health Care: Wants affordable quality care for everyone and wants to expand health care's benefits.
Iraq: Wants withdrawal of our troops soon.
Gun Control: Believes it is your right to own a gun so you can protect yourself.
Economy: Wants to cut spending in all areas, believes the amount of  money we use wasteful and redundant.
Ralph Nader
Here is a link to Nader's website so you can learn all about his positions on the issues.
Chuck Baldwin
This is a link to a page where you can find out about all of Chuck Baldwin's positions on the issues.
Cynthia McKinney
Taxes: She wants to repeal the Bush tax cuts for big corporations and give cuts to small business owners.
Environment: Strongly believes in renewable energy and wants to reduce dependence on gas.
Fighting Terrorism: Wants to deploy diplomats to resolve conflicts peacefully and form a Department of Peace
Iraq: Wants an immediate withdrawal of all troops in Iraq and everywhere else too.


Monday, November 10, 2008

Here is a funny parody website about Sarah Palin. A must see!
John McCain
Here is a link to John McCain's website which will tell you about his positions on the issues.

Friday, November 7, 2008


Why do you think that the presdient has a cabinet? What are some of the different positions/titles that the cabinet members hold? How many cabinent members are there? Why does the president need more people to support him, and why are these jobs so specific?

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Barack Obama
Below are some links to Barack Obama's website that will show you his positions on the issues.
Gun Control: Obama wants regulation so total whackos can't have guns
Gay Marriage:No

The other candidates positions will be below this post soon.
2008 Presidential Candidates- change the world by VOTING

Barack Obama

Barack Obama

John McCain

John McCain

Ralph Nader

Ralph Nader

Cynthia Mckinney

Cynthia Mckinney

Chuck Baldwin

Chuck Baldwin

Bob Barr

Bob Barr