Thursday, November 13, 2008

What do you think of the advances in technology and how it is affecting campaigns? Is it good or bad? Leave a response and tell us what you think!
Bob Barr
Health Care: Wants affordable quality care for everyone and wants to expand health care's benefits.
Iraq: Wants withdrawal of our troops soon.
Gun Control: Believes it is your right to own a gun so you can protect yourself.
Economy: Wants to cut spending in all areas, believes the amount of  money we use wasteful and redundant.
Ralph Nader
Here is a link to Nader's website so you can learn all about his positions on the issues.
Chuck Baldwin
This is a link to a page where you can find out about all of Chuck Baldwin's positions on the issues.
Cynthia McKinney
Taxes: She wants to repeal the Bush tax cuts for big corporations and give cuts to small business owners.
Environment: Strongly believes in renewable energy and wants to reduce dependence on gas.
Fighting Terrorism: Wants to deploy diplomats to resolve conflicts peacefully and form a Department of Peace
Iraq: Wants an immediate withdrawal of all troops in Iraq and everywhere else too.


Monday, November 10, 2008

Here is a funny parody website about Sarah Palin. A must see!
2008 Presidential Candidates- change the world by VOTING

Barack Obama

Barack Obama

John McCain

John McCain

Ralph Nader

Ralph Nader

Cynthia Mckinney

Cynthia Mckinney

Chuck Baldwin

Chuck Baldwin

Bob Barr

Bob Barr